The art, science, and technology of keeping track of what you know.
A common theme across all business sectors is the continued movement from a paper to a digital foundation. In the paper world, we had field notes, file cabinets, and libraries filled with information. The process of finding, organizing, and reporting the information was a major time component of any research project. In today’s digital world, we have files, folders, databases, the internet, and the cloud. Keeping track of the explosion of digital data is a new critical task for most organizations. PAEC has extensive experience in database design and development aimed at effectively and efficiently organizing your information and modernizing your workflow.
In addition to storing individual facts in a database, it is important to track the “who, what, when, where, how, and why” associated with those facts. This “metadata” (data about the data) is an important aid in deciding if information collected for one purpose can be combined with information collected for a different purpose. The management of information at this level becomes critical to the development of applications that support effective decision-making later in the data to decision process.
Another key aspect of information management for water resource managers is the understanding of where their project fits into the larger river and watershed perspective. As a result, the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has become an integral part of most resource management efforts. The use of GIS is and has been a fundamental strength of PAEC since it inception and we can help with all aspect of your GIS needs.
The team at PAEC knows fisheries and water management data, information, and techniques. We have broad experiences ranging from field biologists and hydrologists, agency heads, university professors, and professional organization leaders. These experiences help us to develop information management solutions that streamline the flow of information unique to the fisheries and water management profession.
PAEC can help with:
- Database design and development
- GIS implementation and integration