Parham Environmental

Conceptual Understanding

Data to Decision4 - CU

To develop a clear conceptual understanding of a system, we focus on the creation of cause/effect models that include the major system and management components.  The components to these models are described by the patterns determined in the knowledge discovery step. This ensures that local conditions are well represented in the models and that the best available data support their conclusions.

In addition to system assessment models, the data to decision approach supports the use of “business intelligence dashboards” which are a type of front-end for your databases. These business-intelligence dashboards allow high level managers and administrators to see big picture trends while allowing on-the-fly, drill down analyses to specific project tasks and results.

By combining system modeling and business intelligence approaches, PAEC can provide decision-makers the most up-to-date information organized in a structured design to allow the rapid comparison of different scenario outcomes. This is the basis for making consistently well-informed decisions that optimize water resources for now and the future.

In general, PAEC can help with:

  • Impact assessment
  • System modeling
  • Scenario testing
  • Business intelligence dashboards