Here is a great video of smallmouth bass spawning in a creek in middle Tennessee. I was surveying the creek for fish, when I came across this pair of smallmouth bass on their nest. I watched them for a while and then spent some time…
HDSS Flyer
Click here for a PDF of this flyer.
HD Stream Survey Article Published in Streamlines Fall 2013
Our partnership with Trutta Consulting continues with a joint article published in Streamlines Fall 2013. Multi-Attribute Geovideo Surveying of Stream and River Habitats gives detailed information on our High-Definition Stream Surveys.
Waiahi Hydroelectric Plant Assessment
Dr. Parham recently completed a hydropower assessment in Hawaii titled: Assessment of the environmental impact of the Upper and Lower Waiahi Hydroelectric Plants on the native stream animals with respect to habitat changes, barriers to migration, and entrainment using the GIS model-based Hawaiian Stream Habitat…
The Atlas of Hawaiian Watersheds and Their Aquatic Resources
The Atlas of Hawaiian Watersheds and Their Aquatic Resources As an example of the process of data to decision, Dr. Parham was the lead author on a project that collected data, developed the information management systems, created the science based patterns and summarized the information…